Editorial and Peer Review Process

Glottometrics is a peer-reviewed scientific journal with an editorial pre-screening:

1. First Check:
Pre-screening by the editor-in-chief and two members of the editorial board. Articles, which do not fit with the general publication policy of Glottometrics are rejected.
2. Peer Review
In case of a positive decision by the editor-in-chief and responsible members of the editorial board the anonynmous article is reviewed by two independent external academic reviewers based on expertise, publication history, and past reviews, and invites them to provide feedback on the manuscript. Glottometrics uses double-blind peer review. Reviewers and authors remain anonymous; the peer reviewers may choose to identify themselves by allowing us to make the review public
3. Final Decision
The editor-in-chief and responsible member of the editorial board make(s) the final decision on each manuscript. They consider external peer reviewers’ feedbacks and their own evaluation of the manuscript in order to reach a decision. The following decision types are:
• Rejection
• Major revision
• Minor revision
• Acceptance
Decisions are communicated to the corresponding authors via e-mails, along with reviewers’ feedbacks and any other requirements from the journal office.