(382) Fitting the Distribution of the Syllabic Typesin Different Positions of Verse

Vadim Andreev

GLOTTOMETRICSIssue 49, 2020, 87 −97 (2020)


The article is devoted to the study of distribution of syllabic types in three long poems by A. Pushkin, one of the founders of Russian literature. Contrary to the usually practised “linear” approach, where syllabic types are viewed as a consistent sequence in which the position of every syllabic type in a poetic line is not taken into account, the present research is focused on the “vertical” arrangement of syllables in poetic texts. In this case, the sequence under study includes syllables which occur in the same position in different lines of a poem. To reveal the peculiarities of such distributions, the Zipf- Alekseev function, which gives a good fit, and repeat rate indicator are used.


Zipf-Alekseev function, repeat rate indicator, syllabic types, distribution, long poems.
The study